
Friday, July 16, 2010

Life should be...

Life should be enjoyment. This is enjoyment.

Image from the lovely site - Just Be Splendid

I want to have my own garden party. Someday. With classic tea sandwiches, miniature tarts and quiches. And small brownies, petite fours and brie cheese on crackers.


  1. And a main course for me please? Any main course will do fine. Like fried rice kway tiao or bee hoon (with fishballs!) :D

  2. ade: ...NOOOOO spoil my theme! can i do like other things like pasta salad, or roast chicken or something. Haha.

  3. HAHAHAHA ADE HO!!! chelle is going to have an atas garden party, where fishballs, fried rice and kway tiao and bee hoon are certainly not invited.

  4. and you have a twitter account?!!!!!

  5. sookee: hahaha not atas party can. just english style garden party. beehoon and fishballs wont fit in the theme!!! lol. and yes i have a twitter account. few days alr actually LOL.

  6. sookee: hahaha not atas party can. just english style garden party. beehoon and fishballs wont fit in the theme!!! lol. and yes i have a twitter account. few days alr actually LOL.

  7. And a main course for me please? Any main course will do fine. Like fried rice kway tiao or bee hoon (with fishballs!) :D
