
Sunday, July 18, 2010


I had high hopes for this place. But people always say don't expect too much of something. You might be disappointed in the end. This is one such occasion. Sadly.


Sis and I were starving as we woke up late and our lunch was our first meal of the day. The adults got the weekend brunch buffet, while Sis and I decided to go ala carte since she had a couple of stuff she had in mind to order...

Interior design; Free flow bread

I can honestly say the best item I enjoyed at the restaurant was the bread (which for the restaurant, is not a good thing). Perhaps we were too hungry, but when they brought out the bread, all four of us tore into the bread eagerly and the two slices they serve (per person) disappeared almost instantly from all four plates. The waiters were well-trained. They reappeared at our sides and refilled our platters with more bread. Great service. Haha. The free flow bread was really very good...I should have just snacked on it the whole meal and save myself the trouble of ordering my main dish...

Scallop appetizer (ala carte); Oyster (brunch buffet); Brunch buffet appetizer platter

It was very dim inside the restaurant, and so I tried my best to capture the food but one, we were hungry, I almost didn't have time to stop and take photo of every dish set down on the table, two, the lighting was bad, the other photos I took were so blur I decided not to post them up.

Sis ordered the Hokkaido Scallop with US Green Asparagus and Truffle Emulsion and  the Wagyu Beef Carpaccio with Parmigiano and Rucola. We polished them off quite readily. So far, so good. Nothing overly bad. We sampled some of the brunch appetizer platter too. And cos it was a buffet, we end up having two plates of that appetizer platter. Love the mozarella cheese tomato combination. Always. Parma ham? Pass!

The brunch buffet was simply, a plethora variety of food. A plate with three pastas was then served next. Then after, a plate with the main courses of fish and chicken. Imagine gorging yourself with so much courses. And that's not counting the dessert platter. Yet.

Brunch buffet main courses - fish; chicken
Ossobucco with saffron risotto (ala carte); Roasted cod with black olive crust (ala carte)

Our ala carte main courses arrive, and Sis's dish of the Ossobuco with saffron rice was passable. But my dish? Oh my dish. -shakes head- Where should I start? According the the menu, what I ordered was the Roasted Atlantic Cod with Black Olive Crust, Spinach Cake and Balsamico. Sis likes cod fish, so I decided to just order it so we can share. Bad choice. The fish was super salty (I guess it's the olive, I had wondered if they used miso...), and the spinach cake was not to my liking. It was like a mound of greenish looking puree. Thanks, but no thanks. I was quite traumatized by my main course actually. The rest of them tried my fish and agreed that the fish was overly salty, and the spinach cake was a bit weird. I didn't touch most of my dish and just sneak bites of the others plates.

Brunch buffet desserts platter - Mango ice-cream; Blackforest; Apple crumble; Raspberry panna cotta

The brunch desserts plate was average. I was insistent on getting the vanilla panna cotta to try because I havn't tried panna cotta before. Then the dessert platter came and there was the raspberry version. Oh well, the more the merrier I guess, cos the texture for the vanilla and raspberry ones were sorta different. The raspberry one was lighter and creamier, while the vanilla one had a firmer texture, like jelly.

Bourbon vanilla panna cotta (ala carte); Petite chocolates

They served small chocolates while serving coffee, and they were too sweet. For a chocolate lover like me to say it's too sweet, it must have been darn sweet. I couldn't even finish half of one. My dad, whom normally says whatever dessert I make is sweet, said the chocolates were very sweet...yet he still polished like two or three of the small morsels by himself. =.=

I didn't have a fantastic dining experience here. Probably cos I was expecting too much, and the food was only average. Perhaps their other dishes were better, and I made the mistake of ordering the wrong dish. In general, they seem to be quite generous with the salt in their dishes. And I'm not a big fan of salty food. Not to mention, the main course that marred my taste buds for anything else. Whatever the reason, I don't think I'll be back at Garibaldi any time soon...

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