
Friday, July 29, 2011

Banana nectarine cherry popsicles

Minimalising usage of the oven is really quite easy on hot and humid summer days. Slurping cold (that's actually stating the obvious cos since when is it hot anyway?) ice cream and taking cold showers, both of which are little pleasures of life.

Instead of gorging on creamy ice cream, I thought that refreshing popsicles should do the trick. I was keen to play more with the popsicle mold that I had just gotten, and after my first attempt at making popsicles, I was all set for further experiments.

Banana nectarine cherry popsicles

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jasmine tea honey panna cotta with mint poached lychees

Here's the last part of using up leftover cream. The first two ideas can be found here and here.

Jasmine tea honey panna cotta with mint poached lychees

Friday, July 22, 2011

Oatmeal cinnamon pancakes with blackberry sauce

I'm a breakfast kinda girl. I *must* eat my breakfast every day (the only exceptions being when I wake up late or if I'm heading out for brunch). I've been known to wake up, brush my teeth, and the first thought that pops into my yet-to-awaken brain is, "Where's food? I'm hungry."

Oatmeal cinnamon pancakes with blackberry sauce

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Graze (revisited)

I've been mostly meeting up with friends at quieter spots I enjoy chilling out at - namely Dempsey or Rochester. Revisited Graze again for brunch with some pals some time back and got to enjoy a chill out session with the ever awesome atmosphere and great company.
Graze again for brunch

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chocolate whisky truffles

Remember earlier on I was talking about using up cream? Here's idea number two (that doesn't require any special equipment and oven usage too!) for using up cream - chocolate truffles. Chocolate whisky truffles, to be exact.

Chocolate whisky truffles

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Berry yogurt popsicles

The weather's been pretty mad hot lately isn't it? I've already moved into my new place officially (though there are still boxes and bags of stuff still unpacked and lying around generally being a huge eyesore...), and since the oven is not yet set up, the first thing I've made here during the past weekend is some chilly treats to beat the annoying heat.

Berry yogurt popsicles

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vanilla bean ice cream, browned buttered peaches and a berry sauce

I bought a litre of cream before the big move. Should I say it was a big mistake on my part?

I should have known that there was no oven facilities at the temporary rented place, and my ice cream maker was packed away in some box that was moved to the new place. So, how in the world was I going to use cream that was due to expire within one week? I've come up with some ideas on how to use up cream. The first thought I had was ice cream. Hand churned of course since the ice cream maker was playing hide and seek.

 Vanilla bean ice cream, browned buttered peaches and a warm berry sauce

Friday, July 08, 2011

Grilled mushrooms wraps

I find that wraps make a really good healthy lunch (on-the-go too, if the need arises). In fact, now that I'm trying to lose weight, I find myself gravitating towards lower carbs choices when it comes to planning my meals. Wraps are quite a good choice (I feel) for my current diet plan.

Grilled mushrooms

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Fresh strawberry tart

Clearing out the fridge can yield so many desserts. I'm frankly amazed at how many stuff I've made in the past month before the move using stuff that I've already had stocked in the pantry on "one of my various groceries trips". And I'm sure I'm not alone in this whole my-pantry-is-already-jammed-packed with this little bag of this and that little can of that and whatnots AND yet when I spot something new, it ends up in where else but my grocery shopping cart.

Fresh strawberry tart