
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Berries galettes

I love the seasonal changes. That means I get to enjoy my favourite seasonal fruits at dirt cheap prices and at their best - juicy and sweet. Blueberries were in season some time starting a month ago, and I happily went on a crazy buying spree. When the first punnets of the season started appearing on the fruit aisles, I grabbed like four or five punnets without hesitation. I froze three punnets and happily enjoyed the other two punnets with my morning yogurt and homemade granola. And for the past month or so, every single time I go to the supermart, I inevitably leave the place with at least one punnet of blueberries. I simply can't resist them. I regret now not waiting a while more as the prices continue to fall cos I had bought most of my first batch (happy in the freezer now) when the season was just starting. No worries though. I've been adding to the freezer stash on occasion with a few more punnets for later uses when blueberries season is over. (: Hmmmm, I wonder if anyone else hoards fruits like me. Haha.

Blackberries and blueberries galettes

Just a few lil' dots of butter; Lemon zest, my love 

I used the dough I had used previously for my peach galettes. This time round, I rolled the dough thinner to obtain more galettes cos the previous time, the galettes were quite thick (I had to bake them longer to get it crunchy) and too big for an individual serving.

I was at the fruit aisle grabbing the requisite punnet(s) of blueberries, when the blackberries on the side caught my attention. They were selling at a lower price than usual, that's it man. Just like that. They've got me hooked, lined, suckered. I placed a precious punnet of the blackberries in my grocery cart.

Would you believe me if I say I love everything berry but has never really paid the blackberry much attention? I was always enamoured with raspberries, blueberries and strawberries (in that order), that I didn't notice the blackberry fruit. The first touch on my tongue, and blackberries have now officially joined my happy lil' family.

Fresh seasonal berries; Hot from the oven

This time round, the galettes' crust didn't taste quite as awesome. I don't know why. I remember the crust was  one amazing bit of lemony zest infused crust. Could it be I rolled the dough out too thinly? Or just the combination of fruits that didn't mesh well? I doubt it could be the fruits, cos I loved how the bubbling sweetness of the fruits juices were all drawn out and the taste of the fruits was "mmmmmmm". I think it's time to start searching for another recipe for galettes again. Galettes are so simple to make, they're like the laid back cousin to tarts and pies. In human form, they would probably just go, "Hey dudes, chillax man. I'm just gonna  lounge here chillin' and looking gorgeous without much effort. You?" to their tarts and pies cousins. Haha.


  1. Guess what? There's actually such a thing as 发酵奶油. Saw it on Honey Boy's blog here:

    In Japanese it says 发酵

  2. Looks delicious. Pastry and juicy berries are a match made in heaven :).

  3. Looks awesome!! Super juicy berries!! Love your pictures as well!
    Would you mind checking out my blog? :D

  4. Looks awesome!! Super juicy berries!! Love your pictures as well!
    Would you mind checking out my blog? :D

  5. Looks delicious. Pastry and juicy berries are a match made in heaven :).
