
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Aussie 2013: Brissy

I'll always have a soft spot for Brisbane. After Cairns, we popped by our ol' city for a quick catch up with friends through old favourites and new joints.

 Riverfest 2013, Brisbane

Monday, August 18, 2014

Aussie 2013: Great Barrier Reef

I want to be on vacation again. It's been about two months since my last vacation and I'm experiencing withdrawal symptons. *sheepish look*

I guess I was lucky enough that I traveled almost monthly from January to June earlier this year, thus July and August seems a tad miserable in comparison. Continuing from my travelogue posts, I shall now start on my Aussie 2013 trip.

It was my first visit back to Oz after my graduation in 2009, and I was excited, of course to be back there. I made the trip with my cousin, who also studied in Oz, so it was sort of a nostalgic trip for us both. We took a plane from Singapore to Gold Coast, followed by a domestic flight to Cairns, next to Brisbane, thereafter to Melbourne, before flying home.

I was quite excited to head to Cairns, cos it was my first trip to the Great Barrier Reef. We were going snorkeling! Yes yes, for those who know me well, me, who can't swim (yes, I know. *rolls eyes*) is able to snorkel (and survive to tell the tale).

Pardon the lousy meagre shots today. I didn't bring my DSLR with me on our day trip out to the reef, cos we'll be snorkeling and I didn't want to leave my camera behind on the boat and all, thus whatever you see here, it's taken using my iPhone 4S. I must say, being constantly behind lens, it was kinda refreshing to just be focused on the vacation time and not be concerned with snapping loads of photos for memories' sake. Though I won't have much photos to look back on for remembrance, at least whatever few I have, I can look upon fondly.

Cairns 2013